Tout sur les drones navigants


DRONAUTIC’6 Class rule V1.0

jeudi 2 octobre 2014Dronautic Organisation

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

The object of Dronautic is to organize competitions and events where it is possible to evaluate and compare different projects from different teams all around the world. In that way is defined the rule box for the Dronautic Teams, the Dronautic’6.

The Dronautic’6 rule box (extracts)

Fixed and mobile parts of a Dronautic’6 has to enter a rule box which is mainly defined like this :
-  LOA : 6 m
-  Maximum Beam : 6 m
-  Maximum Draft : 2 m
-  Minimum aerial : 4 m
-  Maximum aerial : 10 m
Every fixe or mobile part of a DN6 can’t go outside this box.

A Dronautic’6 enters a 6 meters wide cube.

• The Dronautic’6 length is 6 meters maximum. This side is reasonable to navigate around the world without being dangerous for the other vessels. Shorter, a long offshore navigation would be very long.
• A maximum of 6 meters for the beam of the DN6 lets designers to imagine every kind of structure.
• The 2 meters deep should help the stability of the vessel.
• A minimum of aerial force DN6 to have a mast that can wear the positioning systems and a camera. The 10 meters high maximum opens the rules to classical sailing monohulls.

The research dimension of a Dronautic

A Dronautic is not a usual vessel. Teams and yacht designers have to start from the white page to imagine a vessel able to navigate around the world. Here are different ways of researches :
• Vessel : Designing a new kind of boat or starting from a classical sailboat ?
• Energy : a sail, hard or classical ? Solar energy ? Both of them ?
• Pilot : Is there any automatic pilot able to steer a Dronautic around the world during more than 6 months ?
• Assistance : Ho to send orders to the DN6 from hearth base ?
• Communication : Which are the tools to manage an autonomous and offshore navigation ?
• Fret : Where to place the scientific fret inside the main hull ?
• Energy : How to create and stock energy aboard to navigate and communicate ?

To develop these new vessels, the teams have to add different experiences and knowledge from engineers, yacht designers, sailors, and scientist…

Square models for the communication

Each team entering a Dronautic event will have to build two types of square models of their Dronautic’6.

• Dronautic’ Air : A radio-controlled Dronautic
Each DN6 has to have its own radio-controlled 1/6 model. The DNR is identical of the original DN6 from its shape to its decoration (colors and sponsors stickers). These radio-controlled ships will be one meter long and will entering radio-controlled demonstrations during pre-events days.

• Dronautic’ Fix : A 60 cm long model
Each DN6 will have two 1/10 models. One will be donated to the organization. The other will stay in the team. Both models are made for the promotion of the teams and events from the team and from the organization.

Download the english translation of the Class Rule

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